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dc.contributor.authorSutrisna, EM
dc.identifier.citationAnnette, Saskatoon,Larochelle, A., Lambert, St., 2000, Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection, JOGC APUA, 2010, antibiotic-resistant infection cost the U.S. health care system over $20 billion each year, Chow, A., and Robinson, J.L., 2011, Fever of unknown origin in children: a systematic review, World J Pediatr, Vol 7 No 1 Kuswandi, 2011, strategi mengatasi bakteri yang resisten terhadap antibiotika, pidato pengukuhan gurubesar UGM. Rizal, 2010, Microbial pattern and antimicrobial resistance of isolates collected from various specimen in DR. OEN Solo Baru, Hospiatl, Surakarta, The Indonesian Journal of Medical Science Volume 1 No.7. 392-399 Santillan, R.M., Garcia, G.R., Benavente, I.H., Garcia, E.M., 2000, Efficay of cefixime in the therapy of thyfoid fever, Proc. West pharmacol.Soc, 43:65-66. WHO, Drug And Therapeutic Committees; A Practical Guide, Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy Geneva, Switzerland, 2003en_US
dc.titlePenggunaan Antibiotika Secara Rasionalen_US

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