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dc.contributor.authorAriyanto, Andry
dc.identifier.citationDe wolf A.N., 1990, Pemeriksaan gerak alat penggerak tubuh dignosis fisis dalam praktek, Cetakan kedua, Bhon staf leu van loghum. Daud J.Maace, 1987, Orthopedic physical assesment, philadelpia. Elaine N Marrieb.,1991, Human anatomy and Physiology, Tree editions, The benjamin publising company, Redwood city. california Graham A Apley.,1995, Buku ajar orthopedidan fraktur sistem apley lois solomon, Edisi . Widya Medika, Jakarta . Kaplan E. dan Tanner E., 1989, Musculoskletal pain and disability, Printed in the United States Of America. Mark dan Mumenthaler.,1995, Neurologi, Edisi tiga, Binarupa aksara, Jakarta Michlovitz S.,1994, Thermal agents in rehabilitations, Secon editions, Davis compani, Philadhelpia Hollist dan Margaret.,1999, Practical exercise therapy, Four editions, School Of Physioterapy University Of Melbeurne Victoria 3010, Black weelk science, France. Putzr., 1999, Atlas anatomi manusia, Bagian dua, EGC, Jakarta. Pattrick., 1997, General orthopedik, Edtions first, Mc graw hill, Health Profesion devision, New york. Prentice dan Wiliiam.,2000, Principle of athletik training. Tens edition, Mc graw hill, Health liggner educationen_US
dc.description.abstractThe number of patients complaining of shoulder motion related functions, including movement dysfunction is a disturbance of the capsular pattern of motion in the shoulder: eksorotasi motion is more limited than abduction, abduction motion is more limited than endorotasi motion. Disturbances in the pattern can cause pain and limited motion in the shoulder and this occurred in people with Frozen shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis. Phase immobilizing effect on body tissues such as ligament adhesions in Capsuler waving and cross links of collagen, collagen tissue causes adhesions to form capsular contracture causing pattern, decreased elastin fibers in the shoulder causing pain and limited motion in theshoulderjoint. Purpose of the study to determine the effect of differences in the application of joint mobilization and traction with Short Wave Diathermy Short Wave Diathermy and active joint mobilization pendulair to a decrease in pain and increase range of motion in the Frozen Shoulder Capsulitis adhesive. This was a quasi experiment using a sample of 20 people and met the inclusion criteria. Statistical analysis of date using non parametik with different test and the MannWhitney Test Wilcoxon.. The results of the first analysis of pain with scala Verbal Description Scale, the influence of different test P value = 0.831. Both the increase range of motion shoulder capsular pattern, namely: the influence of motion in abduction of different test P value = 0.040. Abduction motion of the influence of different test P = 0.014. Motion eksorotation influence of different test P value = 0.001.The analysis showed that there was no difference between the provision of treatment is the significance of SWD + Traction with SWD + Pendulair, to decrease the level of pain, both are equally effective in decreasing pain levels. On improving range of motion shoulder capsular pattern, the most effective use of motion in abduction + Traction SWD treatment, effective use of motion eksorotasi SWD + Traction treatment, the most effective use of motion endorotasi treatment SWD + Pendulairen_US
dc.publisherFIK UMSen_US
dc.subjectFrozen Shoulder Capsulitis Adhesiveen_US
dc.subjectShort Wave Diathermyen_US
dc.titlePerbedaan Pengaruh Penerapan Mobilisasi Sendi Traksi dan SWD dengan SWD DAN Mobilisasi Sendi Aktif Pendulair terhadap Penurunan Nyeri dan Peningkatan Lingkup Gerak Sendi pada Frozen Shoulder Capsulitis Adhesifen_US

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