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dc.contributor.authorSodikin, Imam
dc.contributor.authorPawesti, Galuh Hadi
dc.identifier.citationEbeling, E, C., 1997, An Introduction to Reliablity and Maintanability Engineering, Singapore: Mc.Graw-Hill. Gasperz, V., 1992, Analisis Sistem terapan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Teknik Industri, Bandung: Tarsito. Harjanto, E., 2004, Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi, Edisi Kedua Cetakan Keempat, Jakarta: PT. Grasindo. Jean, D, G., 1971, Nonparametric Statistical Inference, New York: Mc Grow-Hill. Mustafa, A., 1998, Manajemen Perawatan, Yogyakarta. Sodikin, I., 2010, “Analisis Penentuan Jumlah Persediaan Suku Cadang Rantai Garu Mesin Penggiling Tebu Berdasarkan Tingkat Kekritisan Komponen Model ABC dengan Menggunakan Spare Part Requirement Nomograph”, Jurnal Teknologi TECHNOSCIENTIA, Vol 3 No. 1 Agustus 2010, 36-45. Sodikin, I., 2011, “Penentuan Kombinasi Waktu Perawatan Preventif dan Jumlah Persediaan Komponen Guna Meningkatkan Peluang Sukses Mesin dalam Memenuhi Target Produksi”, Jurnal Teknologi, Volume 4 Nomor 2, Desember 2011, 120-127. Walpole, R, E., Myers Raymond H, 1986, Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuan, Bandung: ITB-Press.en_US
dc.description.abstractOne of the factors that support the smooth operation of a company is the readiness of the production machines in performing their duties. Therefore we need a good maintenance system. The problem faced by the company is not a critical component maintenance scheduling, so that the production process is hampered and maintenance costs are high because of the length of the machine is improved. Attempts to overcome these problems can be done through maintenance scheduling. Scheduling a critical component of treatment made by considering the nature of repairable components and non-repairable. Determination of the critical components of the maintenance schedule of the calculation based Mean Time To Failure of each component reliability approach. The results obtained in the form of scheduling maintenance of critical components. Care repairable components made within the period of 52.538 days for the engine generator sortase to 151.01 days for s.part panel box on the machine sortase. While the treatment of non-repairable components made within the period of 39.335 days for a magnetic conveyor roll up to 314.481 days to gear the engine ECP dyer.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectCritical Componenten_US
dc.subjectMean Time To Failureen_US
dc.titlePenentuan Jadwal Perawatan Komponen Kritis Melalui Analisis Kerusakan Mesin dengan Pendekatan Mean Time To Failureen_US

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