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dc.contributor.authorNoorratri, Erika Dewi
dc.identifier.citationAdronafis, H. 2008. Terapi Musik Mampu Hilangkan Depresi.. Diakses 24 November 2009. Amir, N. 2005. Depresi Aspek Neurobiologi Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana. Jakarta: FKUI Austin. 2008. Cara Mengatasi Depresi. Diakses 3 September 2010 Boyd, Mary dan Nihart, 1999. Psychiatric Nursing Contemporary practice, Raven Public David, D. V. 2010. Waspadai Bahaya Laten Status Belum Menikah. 12 Prosiding Seminar Ilmiah Nasional Kesehatan , ISSN: 2338-2694 Diakses 24 Agustus 2010 Diamond. 2011. Pria Depresi Meningkatnya Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi Akibat Barat. Diakses 19 April 2013 Kaplan dan Saddock, 1998. Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa Darurat. Jakarta: Widya Medika Kirkweg, S. B. 2008. Efek Of Music On Memory. Diakses 07 Januari 2010 Maslim, R. 2001. Buku Saku Diagnosis Gangguan Jiwa Rujukan Ringkas dari PPDGJ-III. Jakarta: FK Unika Atmajaya Stuart dan sundeen, 2006. Keperawatan Jiwa. Jakarta: EGC Yosep, I. 2007. Keperawatan Jiwa. Bandung. Refika Aditamaen_US
dc.description.abstractDepression reached 16.4% of cases, a major cause is work and education. Depression tends to happen in the age group 25-34 years old. Depression is more common upon women than men. Music can be used as a natural anti-depressants. Music can be used to affect the physical, emotional, cognitive and social prosperity and improve quality of life for healthy people, and those who were disabled or ill. To determine the effect of rapid rhythm of dangdut music therapy on depression level in patients with depression at the Regional Mental Hospital Surakarta. This research uses a quasi-experimental method. The design research is the group pretestposttest with control group design. Sampling in this study was done by purposive sampling, there are 64 samples, while the instrument was a questionnaire CES-D20. In the analysis of test data use t-test analysis. There were a significant effect on the rapid rhythm of dangdut music therapy on depression level in patients with depression. There were positive effects of rapid rhythm of dangdut music therapy on depression level in patients with depression at the Regional Mental Hospital Surakarta.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectMusic Therapyen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Terapi Musik Dangdut Ritme Cepat terhadap Perbedaan Tingkat Depresi pada Pasien Depresi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakartaen_US

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