Hubungan Persalinan Kala I Memanjang dengan Kesejahteraan Janin di RSUD dr. Moewardi Surakarta
Amount of 10 - 20% pregnancy and birth process is having resistance, one of them is
because of long birth first. Mother can experienced various disease influencing pregnancy
and also growth and growth process of its foetus, so that can add perinatal mortality rate.
One of the effort to decrease perinatal mortality which caused by hipoksia penyulit in womb
is by monitoring foetus prosperity in womb. This research is to understand the relationship
between long birth first period with foetus prosperity. The type of this research is cross
sectional. The subject of this research is patient with long first period. The technique of
taking sample is using sampling jenuh. Amount of responder counted 21 patients at RSUD
Dr.Moewardi Surakarta. Gathered data is analyzed by spearman rank analysis. Result of the
research indicate that ( 1) most responder in this research experienced long birth first period
with prosperity of foetus annoyed at level 25-35 hours and 36-46 hours. (2) Responder
foetus have the normal majority foetus heartbeat and bradikardia. (3) Bivariate analysis with
spearman rank formula, we obtained correlation coefficient 0,547 at significance level 5%
with 0,010 probabilities, because of P< 0, 05, so H
refused and H
accepted which mean
that there is a negative relation between long birth first period with foetus prosperity.To other
researcher or student which is interested to study this problem, so we suggested to take
more sample.