Pengaruh Teknik Relaksasi Nafas Dalam terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Nyeri pada Pasien Pasca Operasi Fraktur Femur di Rumah Sakit Karima Utama Surakarta
Relaxation technique of deep breathing is one of management method of pain non pharmacology.
According (Townsend, 1999) relaxation technique of deep breathing is the basic from
relaxation technique develops from the others. Basic concept is much lung full fill by oxygen
the stressor will be downward. The research to knows relaxation technique influence of
breath in to degradation of level of pain at patient post operation of femur fracture in Karima
Utama Hospital of Surakarta. This research is queasy experimental research, with design
pretest-posttest with control group design. population of Research is femur fracture patient
having age 25 to 40 years there are 68 patients. Sample in this research amounts to 40
patients which will be divided to become two groups. Examination of research hypothesis
applies test independent t-test. Conclusion in this researchs are (1) level of responder pain
before treatment at group of experiment most of experiencing excitement pain, (2) level of
responder pain before treatment at group of control most of experiencing excitement pain, (3)
level of responder pain after treatment at group of experiment most of experiencing light and
medium pain, (4) level of responder pain after treatment at group control is experiencing
excitement pain, (5) there degradation of pain signifikan at group of experiment, (6) there
degradation of pain but not signifikan at group control, and (7) there is influence signifikan
relaxation technique of deep breating to degradation of pain at patient post operation of
femur fracture in Karima Utama Hospital Surakarta t-test in 10,661 with 0,006 probability.