Hubungan antara Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Dosen dengan Motivasi Belajar di Program Studi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Learning necessity on college students encourages their motivation from the inside, whereas
the stimulus by lecturers encourages their motivation from the outside. In college students’
opinion, some nursing lecturers have not matched what they expect yet because they are
less interesting and monotonous on giving the learning material, indiscipline or not on-time.
Then most of the college students stated that those things also affected the learning
motivation, because the college students became lazy to listen as well as study. Whereas
the college students’ perception about good-figure of lecturer according to them was the
ones who were kind, smile easily, good-looking, not weighing against them, on-time, easy to
get a good mark from, not selfish, giving time outside the class to consult with, friendly and
close in the learning process either inside or outside the class, able to give the learning
material clearly and easy to understand as well as able to stimulate the college students’
learning motivation. The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between
college students’ perception towards nursing lecturers and learning motivation in nursing
department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This research was analytic research
with correlative approach. The population of this research was all active college students of
Nursing Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta year 2007-2010 whose total
was 921 college students with 90 college students as sample. The used sample extraction
technique in this research was proportionate stratified random sampling. Bivariate test using
spearman rank showed that there was no significant relationship between college students’
perception towards lecturers and college students’ learning motivation (p = 0.454).