Hubungan Komunikasi Teraupetik Perawat dengan Anggota Keluarga terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Keluarga pada Pasien yang dirawat di Unit Perawatan Kritis di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta
For alive we never escape for Communication activities, including communication between
the nurse with the patient's family members. Lack of communication is established between
the nurse with a family member can cause anxiety for family members who bring patients,
especially patients who are being treated in the ICU. The results of preliminary studies that 3
members of family’s patient sad that they poor for informed by nurses, and 2 members of
family stated that nurses when giving information was still medical language, so they still
understand yet and to become anxiety. The objective was aim to know relationship between
nurse of therapeutic communication with anxiety level of patients family treated in intensive
care unit (ICU) at Dr. Moewardi hospital of Surakarta. The kind of research
was descriptive, and using cross-sectional approach. Sample was 30 family members who
had patients treated in ICU. Taking sample was using accidental sampling
technique. Communication of nurse instrument and anxiety was using
questionnaire. Hypothesis testing was using Kendall tau correlation test. Results showed that
14 respondents (46.7%), stated that nurses still poor in communication, 23 respondents
(66.7%) in medium anxiety. The results of hypothesis test showed r = -0.380 p = 0.005 (p <0.05) and there was a correlation between nurse of therapeutic communication with
anxiety level of patients family treated in intensive care unit (ICU) at Dr. Moewardi Hospital
of Surakarta