Hubungan antara Tingkat Pengetahuan dengan Motivasi Melakukan Latihan Jasmani pada Klien Diabetes Mellitus Di Desa Delanggu Kabupaten Klaten
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease that lasts chronical progressive, with
manifestations of metabolism disorders of glucose and lipid, accompanied by chronic
complicate constriction of blood vessels, due to the decline of function to damaged organs.
Effort to keep the sugar blood remained close to normal depending on the client's motivation
and knowledge of the disease as well. Knowledge of people closely related to the behavior to
be taken, because with that knowledge the client has a reason and basical for determining
an option. Higher incidence of Diabetes Mellitus and knowledge as well as a low motivation
client in doing physical exercise makes the interesting case. The purpose of this study was to
determine the relationship between the level of knowledge with the motivation to do physical
exercises on the Diabetes Mellitus client in the Delanggu Village District of Klaten. Design of
the study is descriptive correlative link between the independent variables (level of
knowledge about diabetes mellitus) with the dependent variable (motivation to perform
physical exercise), then use cross sectional approach. After the researchers conducted a
simple random sampling obtained that the Delanggu Village as a working area with 105
clients population. Samples in research there are 51 respondents drawn randomly without
selecting a client, so all the population has the potential to be the respondent. Data
processing techniques using the Fisher Exact Test for testing nominal-scale data. Conclusion
The study showed that: (1) knowledge of the disease on the Diabetes Mellitus client in the
Area Work of Delanggu Health Center most are good, (2) Diabetes Mellitus client's
motivation to do physical exercises in the Area Work of Delanggu Health Center most high,
and (3) there is a relationship between the level of knowledge with the motivation to do
physical exercises on Diabetes Mellitus client in the Area Work of Delanggu Health Center
District of Klaten. Based on the correlation coefficient, the better level of knowledge about the
disease, the higher motivation to perform physical exercise.