Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Keaktifan Lansia (Lanjut Usia) dalam Mengikuti Kegiatan di Posyandu Lansia Desa Gonilan Kecamatan Kartasura
The service health center of elderly was in wrought service post for elderly public in a certain
region which have been agreed on, what moved by public where they can get health service.
Service health center of elderly was expansion from governmental policy passed health
service for elderly which the management of its through program of healthy center by
entangling role and the elderly, family, social elite figure and organization in the management
of his. Some factors which deal with lifelines elderly in program one of service health center
of elderly is family support. This research aim to know there are any relation of family support
from with elderly activities at service health center of elderly at Gonilan village of Kartasura
subdistrict. these Kinds and research used device the korelasional descriptive approach with
the device of cross sectional.The population in this research was inscribed elderly in public
health center of elderly at Gonilan village of Kartasura subdistrict were 397 responders. The
research sample were 80 elderly with the sampling technique was proportionate random
sampling. Data analysis applies techniques of chi square be gotten value
17,084 with
the belief value a = 0,05. Based to this research was known the result that value test the chi
square about relation of family support with elderly the lifelines 0,001 smaller than value of p
value 0,05 (< 0,05). So Ho refusing and Ha accepted. The conclusion from this research
were: 1) the family support system from in action of service health center of elderly most of
enough, 2) the most of active elderly in activity of service health center of elderly, and 3)
there was significant relationship between family support from with elderly activities at
service health center of elderly at Gonilan village of Kartasura subdistrict.