Gambaran Pola Asuh Keluarga pada Pasien Skizofrenia Paranoid (Studi Retrospektif) di RSJD Surakarta
A family in the take care of are paranoid schizophrenia important. Families are the main
educational places for individuals to learn and develop values, beliefs, attitudes and behavior
of paranoid schizophrenia. Pattern of care in a loving family and education about the values
of life, both religious and social health that is given is a factor conducive to preparing children
to become personal and community members are healthy. The purpose of this study is to
reveal patterns of family care in patients with paranoid schizophrenia in a retrospective study
psicyatric hospital of Surakarta. The research method used is descriptive and qualitative
methods. The data collecting technique is indepth interview. Data analysis was done by
grouping the data, data validation, and verification. The result of experiment is indicate
Family rearing pattern adopted by parents of paranoid schizophrenia psicyatric hospital of
Surakarta, is different. Application of family child care are applied to the affected family
members disorder paranoid schizophrenia, did not refer to a specific care pattern as the
existing theory of parenting, such as authoritarian parenting, democratic, and permissive.
Some child care are adopted by families of schizophrenia are authoritarian, democratic, and
permissive. So the conclusion on research psicyatric hospital of Surakarta describes ways to
teach democratic family shows the most dominant figures on the occurrence of paranoid
schizophrenia as compared with authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting.