Perbedaan Perkembangan Motorik Sosial dan Bahasa Anak Toddler antara yang Mengikuti PAUD dan tidak Mengikuti PAUD di Kelurahan Nglorog Sragen
Child development is influenced by several factors, one of which is the stimulation that
comes from parents and informal environmental education, formal and non formal education,
early childhood education services is a fundamental which very important and influential on
the development of children, the results of preliminary studies to interview several people
parents who do not include their children to early childhood education express that children
are less independent and less active as participate in various activities, while parents include
their children to early childhood education express that children enjoy interacting with others,
independent and active. The purpose of this study to determine the difference motor, social
and language development of toddler aged children between the following early childhood
education and do not follow it in Nglorog village Sragen city. This type of research is non
experimental with research design descriptive comparative that is compare the motor, social
and language development of toddler aged children between the following early childhood
education and do not follow it through DDST test with different test non-parametric test of
Mann Whitney, while technique intake of data by cross sectional. Samples of each group
amount to 32 children who followed the early childhood education and 53 children who do
not follow the early childhood education with technique simple random sampling from all
population that is toddler aged children who following early childhood education and do not
follow early childhood education fulfilling inclusion criteria. The results of analysis from the
differences gross motor development with p = 0.022, fine motor development with p = 0.037,
social development p = 0.001, and language development p = 0.009, there are the difference
motor, social and language development of toddler aged children between the following early
childhood education and do not follow it. Suggestion for parents should be able to further
enhance knowledge of child development stimulation and increase the child stimulation when
the children are not learning in school. so that the expected child development will grow