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dc.contributor.authorArifin, Beny Syamsol
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dc.description.abstractPostpartum Treatment is continuing treatment for women after childbirth. One form of postpartum treatment is still drink traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is believed to help mother of breast milk, eliminate tired. mother in is using traditional medicine depend on how big is receiving social support from family. Social support consisting of support information, support assessment, instrumental support and emotional support, the better the post-partum mothers receiving social support, more and more use of traditional herbal medicine in the treatment of post partum. The objective this research was to descript social support for using traditional medicine of mother’s postpartum treatment Sidoharjo public health service area of Sragen. The research is quantitative descriptive method. respondents are mother who had use traditional medicine. The number of samples are 51 mothers post partum, with taking sample is using accidental sampling. Data obtained with checklist of social support and an interviews with respondents. Data analysis with frequency analysis. The results showed from 51 survey respondents, 58.8% respondents received enough emotional support (category fair), 52.9% of respondents supported instrumental category fair (56.9%) respondents received support and sufficient assessment category 54.9% of respondents supported the use of traditional herbal medicine informative maternal post partum in Sidoharjo Public Health Service Area of Sragen.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectemotional supporten_US
dc.subjectinstrumental supporten_US
dc.subjectappraisal supporten_US
dc.subjectinformational supporten_US
dc.subjecttraditional medicineen_US
dc.subjectmother’s post-partumen_US

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