Hubungan antara Tipe Kepribadian dengan Kinerja Perawat di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Nurse performance is essentially by implementation of nursing care. Factors that influences
nurses high or low performance in implementing the nursing service in hospitals is a conflict,
decision making, leadership style, supervision, motivation, and personality type. Personality type
will affect the performance of which is done mainly in the pattern of nurse to provide services.
This research aim to determine the relationship between personality type with the performance
of nurses in the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta. The population in this research
were all nurses in 8 wards in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta. Samples are many as
58 respondents with proportional random sampling technique. Data processing technique using
Spearmen Rank analysis technique. Conclusion this research shows that the distribution of
respondents according to personality type in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta mostly
extrovert. As for the performance of the nurses at the hospital is enough. Further test result
obtained by Spearman Rank r count of 0,262 and p-value 0,047, so it can be concluded that
there is a correlation between personality type with the performance of nurses in PKU
Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta.