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dc.contributor.authorYulianti, Ferry
dc.contributor.authorAmbarwati, Winarsih Nur
dc.identifier.citationDinkes. 2004. Asuhan Kehamilan I (Kehamilan), Semarang: Dinkes Propinsi Tengah Farrer H. 2001. Keperawatan Maternitas. Edisi 2. Jakarta: EGC K. Resti. 2006. www// Jakarta: Depkes. RI. Koblinsky, M, Timyam, J, Bay, J. 1999. Kesehatan Wanita. Yogyakarta : Gama University Press Laporan Komisi WHO mengenai Kesehatan Dan Lingkungan. 2001. Planet Kita Kesehatan Kita. Yogyakarta : Gama University Liliweri, A. 2007. Dasar-dasar Komunikasi Kesehatan. Pustaka Pelajar: Yogyakarta. Notoatmodjo, S. 2005. MetedologiPenelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Potter & Pery. 2005. Fundamental Keperawatan CONSEP Proses & Praktik, Yakarta : EGC Saifuddin, A. 2002. Buku Acuan Nasional Pelayan Kesehatan Matrnal Dan Neonatal. Yakarta : YBP- SP Sunaryo, 2004. Psikologi Untuk Keperawatan. Jakarta : EGCen_US
dc.description.abstractPerception is processing organization, interpreter to stimulus received by organism or individual whose important for them, and activity which integrated in individual. Attitude as certain regularity in the case of feeling ( affection), idea ( cognition), and predisposes action ( conation ) someone to an aspect in vicinity area. Medical staff is a position of man who work in healthy and had knowledge and or skill through education in health, with needed an authority to do health effort. Objective aim to know relation between perception of patient about health staff attitude with obedient of mother who pregnancy check. Research method is correlation descriptive. Taking data with a cross sectional approach. Technique Simple is a Random Sampling. Count samples are 77 responders. Bivariate test applies statistic Chi Square test. The Result of research are perception of patient about medical staff attitude is majority in good category. Obedient by responder pregnancy checking majority is obey category. There is a the relation of patient perception about medical staff attitude with obedient of mother who pregnancy Check in health clinic I Grogol Sukoharjo.en_US
dc.subjectmedical staffen_US
dc.titleHubungan Persepsi Pasien tentang Sikap Tenaga Kesehatan dengan Kepatuhan Ibu Periksa Hamil di Puskesmas I Grogol Sukoharjoen_US

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