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dc.contributor.authorFajarwati, Pipit Galih Tri
dc.contributor.authorAmbarwati, Winarsih Nur
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dc.description.abstractIntranatal is started since contraction uterine and causes change at cervix ( opens and thin) and ends in bearing it placenta in complete. Pain in bone taste at copy generates symptom which can recognize. Certain affective expression as result of a grief also often seen. Affective change covers improvement to worry accompanied to be spacious of perceptual narrowing, groans, weeps, gesticulating ( what indicates pain in bone taste) and stress of a real muscle all by body. Therefore usage of hypnosis at copy can pursue pain in bone signal to reach brain. This research general purpose is to knows giving influence of hypnotherapy in reducing pain in bone taste at mother intranatal scorpion I in RB Kharisma Husada Kartasura. Research method applies research design of quasi experiment with pre test-post test. Research is executed in RB Kharisma Husada Kartasura. Research sample 18 responders applies method accindental sampling. Data collecting technique with open questionaire. Data which collected then is analysed applies Wilcoxon's test Rank Test. Result of research shows: ( 1) Level of responder pain in bone before hypnotherapy at mother intranata scorpion I average of is fidget, ( 2) level of responder pain in bone after hypnotherapy at mother intranata scorpion I average of is light pain in bone, and ( 3) there is influence signifikan giving of hypnotherapy to degradation of pain in bone at mother intranatal scorpion I in RB.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectpain in boneen_US
dc.subjectmother intranatalen_US
dc.subjectscorpion Ien_US

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