Hubungan antara Konsep Diri dengan Depresi pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus di Puskesmas Pracimantoro I Wonogiri
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease. Psychological Stress can arise at the time of
someone to receive diagnosa diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus patient often finds
difficulties to receive diagnosa diabetes mellitus, especially when they know that it’s the life
arranged by food diet and drugs. Usually they stay at stall phase marked by physical
imbalance, social, and psychological. This thing continues to become jumpy feeling, fear,
worries and depression experienced by patient, causing depression. Factors influencing
diabetes mellitus patient depression to cover biological factor, genetic factpr, and factor
psikososial. Self-concept consisted of image of them self, selfregard, ideal of them self and
identity personal. Deutschmark patient someone, told had negative self-concept if s(he
believes and looks into that light them self, over a barrel, cannot do something, not
competence, fails, worse luck, graceless, unwelcome and losing of fascination to life. People
with negativity self-concept will tend to experiences level of higher level depression, acts
pesimistik to life and opportunity faced by it. This research is quantitative research non
eksperimental with analytic planning of observasional. Research sample is 54 responders
with proportional technique of random sampling. Data processing technique applies
analytical technique Rank Spearman. The research conclusion indicates that are: (1)
diabetes mellitus patient self-concept in Puskesmas I Pracimantoro Wonogiri most of is
good, (2) diabetes mellitus patient depression in Puskesmas I Pracimantoro Wonogiri most
of is savere and (3 there is relation between self-concept with level of patient depression
diabetes millitus in Puskesmas I Pracimantoro Wonogiri.