Hubungan antara Pengetahuan dengan Perilaku Ibu dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi Anak Batita Malnutrisi di Posyandu Desa Sembungan Boyolali
Malnutrition is a condition where someone expressed lacking of nutrition, or with otherexpression of its the nutrition status below mean standard. Nutrition intended can in the formof protein, carbohydrate and calorie. Malnutrition influenced by many factors that is eachother related. Directly influenced by 3 things, that are; child is insufficient to get nourishmenof balance, child doesn't get adequate nutrition upbringing, election of food type which
unmatched to requirement and child possibly suffers from infection. The purpose of thisresearch was for the relation of knowledge with behavior of mother in accomplishment orequirement of nutrition child of child under three years nutrition mall in Desa SembunganBoyolali. This research was descriptive research of correlative with design cross sectionalResearch sample of mother in countryside Sembungan Boyolali having child of child undethree years nutrition mall which amounts to 29 with determination technique of sampling totalsample. Data processing technique applies analytical technique Rank Spearman. Henceconclusion from this research were: (1) the knowledge of mother to nutrition child of child
under three years in inwrought health service post Sembungan village of Boyolali most of incategorizing enough, (2) the behavior of accomplishment of requirement of nutrition at childof child under three years malnutrition in inwrought health service post Sembungan village oalso mostly in categorizing enough, and (3) there was relationship significant between
knowledge’s with behavior of mother in accomplishment of requirement of nutrition at child of
child under three years malnutrition in inwrought health service post Sembungan village.Whereas degree correlation between the two variable at a valuation or interpretationcoefficient rho and then value coefficient rho
is 0,721.