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dc.contributor.authorSahid, Muh Nur
dc.contributor.authorSetiyaningsih, Ika
dc.contributor.authorSafi’i, Iman
dc.identifier.citationAmini, I.S., 2007. Hubungan Produktivitas Pekerja Pada Saat Kerja Normal dan Lembur, Tugas Akhir, Surakarta. Anonim, 2001. Pedoman Penyusunan Laporan kerja Praktek, Usulan Tugas Akhir dan Laporan Tugas Akhir, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Dipohusodo, I., 1996. Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi – Jilid 1. Yogyakarta : Kanisius. Sahid, M. Nur, 2003. Manajemen Konstruksi. Surakarta. Sahid, M. Nur,2003. Pengendalian Biaya dan Waktu Pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Menggunakan Konsep Nilai Hasil, Tesis, Yogyakarta. Rachmanto, F., 2009. Analisis Kinerja SDM Terhadap Faktor Umur, Pengalaman Kerja, Tingkat Pendidikan, Kesesuaian Upah, Jumlah Tanggungan Keluarga, Kesehatan Pekerja, Hubungan Antara Pekerja Manajerial dan Komposisi Kelompok Kerja Pada Pekerjaan Beton Struktur. Tugas Akhir. Surakarta. Rosadhi, R., 2008. Sistem Pengendalian Tenaga Kerja Pada Proyek Pembangunan Club House Villa Puncak Tidar Malang. Tugas Akhir. Malang. Soeharto, I., 1995. Manajemen Konstruksi Dari Konseptual Sampai Operasional. Jakarta, Erlangga. Soeharto, I., 1997. Manajemen Konstruksi Dari Konseptual Sampai Operasional. Jakarta, Erlangga.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe development of technology , comfort and lifestyle needs of today's society will have an impact on the selection of construction materials as the walls. For this reason Hebel Blocks created that is able to make convenience and alternative as the ultimate goal of the work of the wall. Hebel block wall is a concrete-like material and are strong, lightweight, economical, accurate size dimensions, soundproof, durable, heat and fire resistant and environmentally friendly. The research was conducted by comparing the labor productivity at conventional brick wall work and block wall hebel. Research results productivity of labor required for wall mounting Hebel block: Rp 31996.00 /m², conventional brick wall of Rp 55824.00 / m². As for the time needed to complete the installation work using conventional brick wall is 278 days, while the time required to work hebel block wall is 172 days with a building area of 3362.06 m² and location are considered the same difficulty level. So the pair work more efficiently hebel block wall 107 days compared to a couple of red brick wallen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjecthebel blocksen_US
dc.titleComparative Analysis Of Work Productivity at Conventional Brick Wall and Hebel Block Wallen_US

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