Hubungan antara Support System Keluarga dengan Kepatuhan Berobat Klien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa daerah Surakarta
Data of Regional Mental Hospital of Surakarta shows that on October through December
2007 there were 4.711 old out-patients had their selves examined in out-patient polyclinic. It
was caused by a possibility that the support system their family gave at home was not
enough to grow this mental disorder during rehabilitation that are taken care by their own
family at home or out-patient need support to obey the medication programmed. If there is no
this support, then the success of the recovery (rehabilitation) will decrease a lot. The goal of
this research is to find out the correlation between family’s support system with the outpatient’s
obedience to take a medication in Regional Mental Hospital of Surakarta. This
research took place in out-patient polyclinic at Regional Mental Hospital of Surakarta toward
100 respondents using the purposive sampling. The research is a quantitative research using
the correlation study design, with cross-sectional and retrospective approach. Data were
collected using questioner and checklist. Data were analyzed using Kendall’s Tau correlation
test with an assistance of computer programmed SPSS version 10. Based on Kendall’s Tau
correlation test with significances p<0,05, this results the valve of τ (0,544) > τ table (0,195)
and p (0,000) < 0,05, then it can be said that there is significant correlation between family’s
support system and the out-patient client’s obedience to take a medication in Regional
Mental Hospital of Surakarta with a low correlation (τ lies between 0,4 – 0,69). Based on the
results of this research, then it comes to a conclusion that most of out-patients in Regional
Mental Hospital of Surakarta are have a good family support system, most of these clients’
obedience of having medication are categorized as obey, and there is correlation between
family’s support system and the out-patient’s obedience to take a medication in Regional
Mental Hospital of Surakarta.