Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil tentang Resiko Tinggi Kehamilan dengan Kepatuhan Kunjungan Antenatal Care di RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali
The direct cause of maternal death is bleeding, eclampsia, and infection, while the
indirect cause one is that the mother has sickness or other complication, which has been
exist before pregnancy, such as hypertension, heart attack, diabetes, hepatitis, anemia,
malaria, which actually can be prevented by available antenatal care. Antenatal care aims to
detect the disorders which may exist or will exist and address the disorders before they
adverse the pregnancy.
The objective of the study is to know the relation of maternal knowledge level of
pregnancy high risk and the antenatal care visit obedience in Pandan Arang General
Hospital of Boyolali.
It is correlative descriptive study using cross sectional. The population in the study is
the maternal who pregnant in trimester III who has high risk of the pregnancy in Pandan
Arang General Hospital of Boyolali. The sample of the study is 45 respondents using
purposive sampling. The data are analyzed using Chi Square.
The result of the study shows that 1) the maternal knowledge level of pregnancy high
risk on the maternal who are pregnant in trimester III, the age is 34 – 40 weeks, and they
have high risk of pregnancy in Pandan Arang General Hospital of Boyolali is high, 2)
compliance of antenatal visit of care at pregnancy mother trimester III with pregnancy age of
34 – 40 weeks high risk in Pandan Arang General Hospital of Boyolali mean obedient and
unobedient, 3) there is relation of maternal knowledge level of pregnancy high risk and the
antenatal care visit on maternal who are pregnant in trimester III, in the age of 34-40 weeks
and high risk of pregnancy in Pandan Arang General Hospital of Boyolali.