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dc.identifier.citationDepartemen Pekerjaan Umum, 1989, Spesifikasi Bahan Bangunan Bagian A ( Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Masalah Bangunan Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, 1978 , Bata Merah Sebaga Bahan Bangunan ( Lembaga Pendidikan Masalah Bangunan Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, 1987, Mutu dan Uji Bata Merah Pejal ( Lembaga Pendidikan Masalah Bangunan Marwahyudi, 2011, Statistika Teknik, 127 halaman, ISBN: 979.495.966.9, Penerbit UM Press, Malang. Marwahyudi, 2012, Pemanfaatan Limbah Pabrik Gula Serat Alami dan Molasses Sebagai Bahan Meningkatkan Kuat Tekan, Penganti Fungsi Semen dan Pembuatan Bata Mosaik, Penelitian Hibah Bersaing DIKTI, Surakarta. Marwahyudi, 2012, Optimasi Limbah Lokal Cair Pabrik Gula di Bidang Infrastruktur, Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pangabdian MasyarakAT, ISBN:978-602-99172-7-7, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara, Sukoharjo. Marwahyudi, 2013, Hasil Buang Pabrik Tebu Dalam Dunia Rekayasa Teknik Sipil. halaman 1-7, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil ke III ISBN: 978-979-636-149-6, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Marwahyudi, 2013, The Application of Molasses as Adding Materials to Increase the Compressive Strength of Concrete. Int. J. of Mechanical Computational and Manufacturing Research, Vol. 2. No. 2, Somantri, A dan Muhidin, S.A, 2006, Statistika Dalam Penelitian, Pustaka Setia, Bandung. Hal 377-409. Sri Handayani, 2010, Kualitas Batu Bata Merah dengan Penambahan Serbuk Gergaji, Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Nomer 1 Volume 12- Januari 2010, hal 41-50. Sudjana, 2003, Metode Statistik, Tarsito, Bandung Ukiman, 2009, Nilai Kuat Tekan dan Daya Serap Batu Bata Merah dari Madukoro, Jurnal R BITH Vol 1 Maret 2009 hal 131-137. tanggal 13 Pebruari 2010.en_US
dc.description.abstractTasikmadu is a sugar factory that is located in the district of Central Java Karangannyar. Central Java such as the other sugar mills, the huge amaunt of waste and the need of recycle it again, to get the economic value. In order to improve the society’s life from the sugar waste. One of the steps is filter cake as additional sources to make a brick. Filter cake has physical massa such as soil and researchers assume if filter cake can be an additional material for making brick. Filter brick is also decreasing rice field soil for making brick. The researchers assumes if the rice fild soil always is being taken to make a brick, it will effect on its fertility. The research divides two groups of bricks. The first group is taking 40% filter cake as the additional massa in making brick and a second group without the added filter cake material. The outcome of the research is: 1en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectfilter cakeen_US
dc.subjectthe soil fertilityen_US
dc.titleDecreasing Rice Field Soil With “Filter Cake” in Making Friendly Bricken_US

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