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dc.contributor.authorDanarto, YC
dc.contributor.authorMuh. Kurniawan A.M
dc.contributor.authorSiwi, Yanuar Raka
dc.identifier.citationAguado, J. and Serrano, D.,(1999),“Feedstock Recycling of Plastic Wastes”, Royal Society of Che mistr y, Clean Technol ogy Monographs. Cambridge, UK. Ar nai z, S., Asueta, A., Arieta- araunabena, A., Manjon, D., Lopez- Fonseca, R. , Gutierrez- Or ti z, J.I., Duque, I., (2009),” Solvolysis of on-line Identified and Refused Highly Col oured and Complex PET Post-consumer Waste Bottles and Packages”, GAIKER- IK4 Technologi cal Centre, E-48170 Zamudio, Spai n. Gersi fi, K.E., Durand, G., Ter sac, G., (2006),”Solvol ysis of Bisphenol A Di gl ycidyl Ether/anhydride Model Networ ks”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol 91, p.p 690-720. Grause, G., Buekens, A., Sakata, Y., Okuwaki , A., Yoshi oka, T., (2011) ,” Feedstock Recycli ng of Waste Pol ymeric Material”, J Mater Cycles Waste Manag, Vol 13, pp. 265–282. Gucl u, G., (2010) , “Al kyd Resi ns Based on Waste PET for Water-reduci ble Coati ng Applications”, Polymer Bulletin, Vol 64, pp. 739-748. Iwaya, T., Tokuno, S. , Sasaki, M., Goto, M., Shi bata, K., (2008), ” Recycli ng of Fiber Rei nfor ced Plastics Usi ng Depol ymeri zation by Solvother mal Reaction with Catal yst”, J Mater Sci, Vol 43, pp. 2452-2456. Janssen, F.J.J. G. and van Santen, R. A., (1999), ” Environmental Catalysis ”, Imperial College Press, Netherlands Insti tute for Catal ysis Resear ch, London, UK. Ki m, J., Jeong, D., Son, D., Lee, Y., Ki m, E., Moon, I.,(2007) ,“Synthesis and Applications of Unsaturated Pol yester Resi ns Based on PET Waste” , Korean J. Chem. Eng, Vol. 24 ( 6), pp. 1076-1083. Ni kje, M. M. A., Haghshenas, M. , Gar mar udi, A.B., (2007), “Microwave Assisted "Spli t-phase" Gl ycol ysis of Pol yurethane Flexible Foam Wastes”, Polymer Bulletin, Vol 59, pp. 91- 104. Ni kles, D.E. and Farahat, M.S. ,(2005), ”New Motivation for The Depol ymeri zation Products Derived fr om Pol yethylene Terephthal ate (PET) waste”, Macromol Mater Eng Vol 290 pp. 13–30. Pi mpan, V., Sirisook, R., Chuayj uljit, S., ( 2003), “ Synthesis of Unsaturated pol yester resi n from postconsumer PET bottles : Effect of Type of Gl ycol on Characteristics of Unsaturated Pol yester Resi n”, J Appl Polym Sci Vol 88, pp. 788–792. www.engineeri ki ds/i ndeks. php/ener gi-dan- material/159-plasti ken_US
dc.description.abstractThe use of plastic bottles made from PET (polyethylene terephthal ate) in all countries of the worl d is very high. Along with this, t here was a problem related to the pl astic bottle waste. Waste plastic bottle can contami nate t he environment because it takes a long ti me t o bi odegrade naturally. Processing and utilization of waste plastic bottles can solve the above problem. Plastic bottle processing techniques largely consist of two stages, namely conventional plastic processing (mechanical) and advanced plastic processi ng (chemistry). Advanced processing consists of several methods: hydrogenation, gasification, catalytic cracking, sol volysis and thermal treat ment. Solvolysis is depolymerization process (breaki ng the chai ns of the polymer so that the polymer is initially split back into monomers) usi ng certain solvents. The advantage of solvolysis process is pure monomer recovery. I n this experi ment, ethylene glycol was used as a solvent (glycolysis) due to its availability and economical reason. The desired reaction was a cracking PET bottles into monomer BHET (Bis-hydroxyethyl terephthalate). Glycolysis was carried out in a stirred reactor equi pped with condenser at temperature 180 C. PET plastic bottle 50 gram was mixed with solvent in reactor with cat alyst 0.1% wt NaOH. The experiment was run with reaction ti me variation ( 1, 1. 5, 2, 2. 5, and 3 hours) and ratio (gram : ml) waste PET bottle : solvent variation (1:1, 1: 1.5, 1: 2, 1:2. 5, and 1: 3 ). The monomer product was analyzed by FT-IR analysis and determined wei ght ratio product upon waste PET bottle. The results showed that the monomer product was BHET and the opti mum product was achieved at reaction time 3 hours and ratio waste PET bottle upon solvent 1: 3 (gram: ml)en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectethylene glycolen_US
dc.subjectPET bottlesen_US
dc.titlePengolahan Sampah Botol Plastik Menjadi Monomer Bhet Sebagai Bahan Baku Plastik dengan Proses Solvolysisen_US

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