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dc.description.abstract | The research’s goal is to know the contribution of teacher training, organization climate,
and teacher perception about managerial skill of headmaster towards teacher skill in learning
activity at SMK N in Semarang by simultant and partial. This research is including ex post
facto qualitative research. The population in this research is SMK N teacher in Semarang counted
763 official state teachers (PNS) from 11 schools, with 5% guilty level so that the sample is 257
teachers. It is gain from Isaac and Michael table. In taking research sampling used sample \
random sampling. In this research, data collecting method used anquette or questionnaire. Data
analysis technique is done by doubled linier regression with prerequisite test that is normality
test, multicolinierity test, autocorrelation test and heterokedasticity test. Research’s result shows
that (1) there is contribution of teacher training, organization climate, and teacher perception
about managerial skill of headmaster towards teacher skill in learning activity at SMK N in
Semarang by simultant, it is shown with significant value 0,000<0,05 with R2 counted 0,382 it
means that teacher training, organization climate, and teacher perception about managerial skill
of headmaster variables by together can explain teacher skill variable in learning counted 38,2%
while the rest 61,8% is explain by another feature that is not researched. (2) there is contribution
of teacher training towards teacher skill in learning activity at SMK N in Semarang, it is shown by
significant value = 0,000 < 0, 05 with effective contribution that is given to teacher skill in learning
activity counted 13,18%, (3) there is contribution of organization climate towards teacher
skill in learning activity at SMK N in Semarang, it is shown by significant value = 0,000 < 0, 05
with effective contribution that is given to teacher skill in learning activity counted 16,87, and (4)
there is contribution of teacher perception about managerial skill of headmaster towards teacher
skill in learning activity at SMK N in Semarang, it is shown by significant value = 0,000 < 0, 05
with effective contribution that is given to teacher skill in learning activity counted 8,14%. Result
of classical assumption test shows that regression model is not experience of classic assumption
problem or diffraction, so that expressed BLUE (best, linear, unbiased, estimator. The Most
Impact given by the organizational climate variables in learning skill teacher at SMK Negeri
Semarang as indicated by an effective contribution amounting to 16,87 %. | en_US |