Environmental-Friendly Countermeasure for River Bank Scouring: Bio-Engineering as an Alternative Solution
Scouring and erosion on river bank becomes typical problem on
alluvial river. This phenomenon is caused by the movement and scrapping of
river flow as helicoidally movement of hydrodynamics’ forces comes up.
Scouring countermeasure structure on the river bank normally takes an
expensive cost, massive project, and does not meet the environmental and
esthetics manner. This artificial structure that made of concrete and stone can
not meet the Eco-hydraulics spirit and causing an environmental damage.
Bio-engineering or Soft-engineering become an alternative solution which
more naturally and more friendly to the environment. Bio-engineering is
made of porous groynes which is installed at the outer bank. It made of
circular bamboo and filled by wattle on the middle the structure. Groynes
work like a bag and slow down the river flow on the outer-bank to prevent
the erosion. Moreover, this structure acts like a huge bag to trap the sediment
that carried by river flood. As a result, the sediment material is accumulated
in the groynes and can be used as a media to plant some hydro crop like
Ipomea Carnia and Vetiver grass.