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dc.contributor.authorRakhmadi, Aris
dc.contributor.authorMulyawan, Rendra Wahyu
dc.contributor.authorSulistyanto, Hernawan
dc.identifier.citationFaddeli, Iksan (2010). Aplikasi Peta Pariwisata dan Budaya Provinsi Indonesia untuk Pembelajaran Geografi di SLTP N 04 Sukoharjo. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Purnama, Murdi (2007). Pembuatan Mobile Application untuk Panduan Rute dan Promosi Kota Solo Berbasis Java Microedition.Universitas Sebelas Maret. Raharjo, Budi, Haryanto, Imam & Haryono, Arif. (2012). Mudah Belajar Java Revisi Kedua. Informatika, Bandung Rumanto Tw, Wahyu Hadi (2009). Aplikasi Peta Wisata Yogyakarta Berbasis Mobile. Universitas Sebelas Maret Santosa, Muhanan Puji (2011). Pembuatan Mobile Application Peta Wisata Berbasis Platform Android di Kabupaten Sragen. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Setiaji, Purnomo (2012). Sistem Informasi Geografis Industri di Kabupaten Kudus. Universitas Muria Kudusen_US
dc.description.abstractGoogle Maps offers an advantage to the users that they are capable of observation the referred area via internet connection. However, if the users wish for further observation of specific area, such as industrial companies, then it is necessity to utilize a specific application which offers more information. The aim of this research is to design comfortable application for tourists or guests to capture information about industrial availability and accessibility in Sragen. To design this application utilizes Unified Modeling Language which consists of Use Case and Use Case Diagram. This research began with data collection in Industry and Cooperation Department (Dinas PERINKOP) Sragen. The next methods are combining Google Maps features with the research application, and compiling to android package file which allows users to install and execute in the android devices. According to the assessment of the application via questionnaire, it can be concluded that the application are easy to understand which is stated by 86% of the participants, and still need some additional information which is stated by 29% of participants. Information System of Industrial Map provides information to the users about image, routes, and detail location via android devices.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectuse caseen_US
dc.titleAndroid Based Information System Of Industrial Map In Sragen Cityen_US

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