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dc.contributor.authorSukoco, Bambang
dc.identifier.citationHoefnagels, G. Pieter, 1972, The Other Side of Criminology, an Inversion of the Concept of Crime, Holland: Kluwer Deventer. Kusman, R.A., 1998, Susunan Pidana dalam Negara Sosialis Indonesia, Bandung: Sumur. Marlina, 2009, Peradilan Pidana anak di Indonesia: Pengembangan Konsep Diversi dan Restorative Justice, Bandung: Refika Aditama. Muhammad, Rusli, 1999, Reformasi Sistem Pemasyarakatan, Yogyakarta, Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Iustum, Nomor 1, Vol. 6. Muhammad, Rusli, 2011, Sistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia, Yogyakarta: UII Press. Raharjo, Satjipto, 2010, Sosiologi Hukum, Jogjakarta: Genta Publishing. Rahardjo,Satjipto, 2010, Penegakan Hukum Progresif, Jakarta: Kompas. Reksodiputro. Mardjono, 1997, Hak Asasi Manusia dan Sistem Hukum Pidana, Jakarta: Pusat Pelayanan Keadilan dan Pengabdian Hukum, Lembaga Kriminologi Universitas Indonesia. Soekanto, Soerjono, 1989, Suatu Sosiologi Hukum Terhadap Masalah Sosial, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti. Sudarto, 1981, Kapita Selekta Hukum Pidana, Bandung: Alumni. Sudirman, Antonius, 2007, Hati Nurani hakim dan Putusannya, Suatu Pendekatan dari Perspektif ilmu Hukum Perilaku (Behavior Juris- prudence) Kasus Hakim Bisma Siregar, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti. Widayati, Ninik dan Yulius Warsita, 1987, Kejahatan dalam Masyarakat dan Pencegahannya, Jakarta: Bina Aksara. Sumber Lain: Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2002, Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945 Hasil Amandemenen_US
dc.description.abstractChildren in the life cycle of an individual is a person who will continue istafet adult life and continued existence of civilization of a nation. Therefore, under no circumstances should children still get their rights, no exception for child offenders. Bids on the application of the concept of Restorative Justice in a case dealing with child offenders is a prospective step in the effort to provide protection for child offenders. But on the other hand can only move the reform law will actually impede the creation of a sense of justice or even to raise new issues in law enforcement efforts. Therefore, the offer regarding the application of the concept of Restorative Justice in the handling of children’s cases, have responded with policies that regulate melahirnya in detail about the concept of implementation, including the deed contains details about which can be solved by the application of Restorative Justice and actions which can not use application of Restorative Justiceen_US
dc.subjectpendekatan penalen_US
dc.subjectpendekal nonpenalen_US
dc.subjectwin and losten_US
dc.subjectrestorative justiceen_US
dc.titleProspek dan Dilema Penerapan Restoratif Justice System dalam Kasus Pidana Anaken_US

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