Materi dan Strategi Pengembangan Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan Bagi Anak Usia Dini di Tk ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Se-Kartasura Sukoharjo
The purpose of this study is to describe the ongoing developing of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan in Kindergarten School
‘Aisyiyah all Kartasura schools, Sukoharjo.
Data collection methods used in the study are three: documentation, observation, and interviews. While the data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The steps performed are by the phasing sequence and interaction, which consists of data collection as well as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion as well as verification.
Some of the findings in this study are (1) material AIK developed for young children in the kindergarten ‘Aisyiyah all-Kartasura School, Sukoharjo can be classified into 6 (six) groups, namely faith, worship, morality, mu’amalah, Al-Quran and prayers, as well as Kemuham- madiyahan. Each material in-group is broken-down in some indicators, but some developed indicators are overlapping, so it is possible for teachers to find difficulty in developing the material in order to reach the achievement indicators. In addition, there are some overlapped indicators that sign number of load indicators to be achieved, while the load is actually not a lot, (2) the development of materials for each AIK in ‘Aisyiyah Kindergarten all-Kartasura schools, Sukoharjo found any diversity. This diversity is influenced by the diversity of teachers’ understanding and mastery of the developed material AIK for early childhood, and (3) strategies used by kindergarten teachers’ Aisyiyah Kindergarten all-Kartasura school, Sukoharjo AIK in developing materials for early childhood cumulatively using 22 different strategies . However, if examined in each kindergarten found less variation of the strategy used, because it was found that the strategy is almost done by all kindergarten teachers are singing, questions and answers, practice, story conversation, demonstration, role, and delivery tasks, while other strategy not all kindergarten teachers use, even only occasionally used by a small number of kindergarten teachers