Menghidupkan Kembali Etos Ekonomi Muhammadiyah
Muhammadiyah, whose age is not young, has made various efforts to move the economy. 13 Islamic ways of life for the citizens of Muhammadiyah to manage charitable business and to run the business and have been formulated in an attempt to provide guidelines for the citizens of Muhammadiyah in running the economy. However, in reality, the guidelines is less to provide motivation and a strong impetus for people to turn back Muhammadiyah economic ethos. To rebuild Muhammadiyah economic ethos, Umar Chapra ideas can be adopted that has been formulated in Al-maqasid Ash-Shariah, it is everything
that is needed to achieve happiness (Falah) and the good life (hayat tayyibah) within the boundaries of Shariah . Achievement of Falah and hayat tayyibah needs five aspects that need to be fought, faith, life, intellect, lineage, and property.