Fatwa Tarjih sebagai Hasil Ijtihad Jama’i Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah
Muhammadiyah, the largest Islamic movement in this country, which is engaged in various fields of the human issues, including the emergence of the Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board, as an umbrella of religious issues of Muhammadiyah followers.
In this paper the authors explain the urgency of the Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board, Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board is ijtihad collective in Muhammadiyah organization whose job is to formulate the fatwa. There are three types of products of Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board, first, the decision of Fatwa by Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board, second , Fatwa of Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board and third is the discourse Muhammadiyah Legal Affairs Board. These products can be used as a guide for Muhammadiyah members, and people in general.