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dc.contributor.authorMuhibbin, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorFathoni, Ahmad
dc.identifier.citationAdrian. 2004. Metode Mengajar Berdasarkan Tipologi Belajar Siswa. http://www. wordpress. com. Arsyad, M. 2004. Matematika Kontekstual Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertamai Klaten : PT. Intan Pariwara. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2004. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensii Jakarta : Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Direktorat Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama. . 2004. Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas 7 Sekolah Mene- ngah Pertama. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Direktorat Pendi- dikan Lanjutan Pertama. . 2004. Lembar Kerja Siswa Matematika Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Direktorat Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama. Kusrini, dkk. 2003. Lembar Kerja Siswa Matematika Kelas 1 Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Per- tama. Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. . 2003. Evalusi. Matematika Kelas 1 Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama. Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Hamalik, Oemar. 2002 Psikologi Belajar dan Mengajar. Bandung : Sinar Baru Algesindo. Nasution. S. 1982. Didaktik Asas-asas Mengajar., Bandung : Jinomones. Sriyanto (2004). Momok Itu Bernama Matematika. Basis, edisi Juli-Agustus 2004 Subondo, Joko . Sumber Internet Pengembangan Minat Siswa terhadap Matematika, Agustus 2007 Sujati. 2000. Penelitian Tindakan Kela . Yogyakarta :Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Sujatmiko. 2004. Matematika Kreatif : Konsep dan Penerapannya. Solo : PT. Tiga Serangkai Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. 2006. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Jakarta : PT. Remaja Rosda Karya. Surakhmad, Winarno. 2007.. Pengantar Interaksi Belajar Mengajar dalam Jurnal Internet Strategi dan Metode, Sultan. 2007. Perbandingan Prestasi Belajar Siswa yang Diajar Menggunakan LKS dan yang Tidak Menggunakan LKS pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi SMU. Suprapto, dkk. Lembar Kerja Siswa Matematika (Pakar). Solo: Putra Angkasa.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research purposes description increasing mathematic achievement uses student’s worksheet of the student class VII SMP Terbuka Wonosegoro Boyolali Regency semester gasal year lesson 2007/2008 with education ethnography plan that reedit at 2013. Research subject is the student class VII sum 35 students. Collecting data method uses action class research in two cycles. Result of the research shows student’s motivation in mathematic learning is significant in cycle I average is 36,51 and cycle II average is 39,00 increases 2,49 digit or about 6,82%. It increases average value and accumulation motiva- tion value in mathematic learning at cycle II it is not enough, 34 students high achievement and 1 student get very excellent, score total poor 35 and score total good 46. The students ready in mathematic learning is significant in cycle I average 38,05 and cycle II average 40,49 increases 2,44 digit or about 6,4%. Accumulation cumulative achievement ready of the student in mathematic learning at cycle II is significant, cycle II classification achieve- ment is excellent 6 (17,14%) students or increasing 5% from cycle I is 1 (2,86%) student. Students response in mathematic learning is significant in cycle I average 37,23 and cycle II average 41,89 increases 4,66 point/digit or about 12,52%. Cumulative classification response achievement and student participate in mathematic learning in cycle II is signifi- cant, cycle II achievement classification is excellent 14 (40%) students, while cycle I is 0%. Result mathematic test of the students at cycle II average 66,23 or significant from cycle I is 58,49 or increasing 7,74 point (13,23%). Cumulative classification achievement math- ematic test in cycle II is significant, cycle II classification achievement excellent get 12,9% or 4 students, cycle I nothing or 0%, cycle II is not poor achievement, while cycle I gets 6 (17,14%) students. Hence, cycle II is significant achievement classification. It shows cycle II is success. The researcher gives student’s worksheet in writing of mathematic learning to the students and the students fill or answer very agree and giving response in student’s worksheet that is very important to training the test with autonomous and responsibility like daily task, home work, team work, discussion the other. It is evident the student’s work- sheet needed in mathematic learning and increasing learning achievement of the students.en_US
dc.subjectStudent’s worksheeten_US
dc.subjectmathematic learning achievementen_US
dc.titlePeningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Melalui Pembelajaran Menggunakan Lembar Kerja Siswa Pada Siswa Kelas VII : (Studi Situs di SMP Terbuka Wonosegoro Kabupaten Boyolali Semester Gasal dengan Rancangan Etnografi Pendidikan)en_US

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