Hubungan antara Dukungan Keluarga dengan Prestasi Belajar Anak Retardasi Mental Ringan di Sekolah Luar Biasa C Yayasan Sosial Setya Darma Surakarta
The child is unique individual, because congenital factor and different area, hence
growth and attainment of ability development was also differs, but will according to
generally accepted. Required criterion until how far unique for a child, whether she
was still normal boundary or not normal. One of disparity that was often suffered at
child was retardation of mental. At retardation of light mental could develop
communicative and social efficiency or meaning for a group of retardation could be
educated (educable). Family support had the biggest contribution for agenda of
assisting child of retardation of mental to reach accurate adjustment. To know
success of SLB constructs child of retardation of light mental one by specifying
achievement of learning child of retardation of light mental. This research was to
know relation between family support from with achievement of learning child of
retardation of light mental in SLB C YSSD of Surakarta. This research is used
analytic descriptive research with planning cross sectional. Sampling technique with
purposive sampling. Count of sample were 42 respondents. Research is executed in
Sekolah Luar Biasa C Yayasan Sosial Setya Darma Surakarta. Research exercise on
6 April - 16 Mays 2009. Count of sample were 42 respondents. Data collecting
method with questionnaire and documentation study of value notification. Data
analysis applies correlation Spearman rank to look for the correlation. Result of this
research known existence of relationship significant between family support from with
achievement of learning child of retardation light mental. Bivariate analysis with
correlation Spearman rank formula was by correlation coefficient value was 0.386
with value p value 0.012 < p 0.05, so H
was refused, meaning there was relationship
significant between family support from with achievement of learning child of
retardation of light mental.