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dc.contributor.authorKuswartomo, Kuswartomo
dc.contributor.authorWibowo, Gurawan Djati
dc.identifier.citation_______, US Dept of Agriculture (2007). Technical Notes:Hydraulic Ram Pumps, http://ftpfc. sc.egove/OR/Technical_Notes/Range/Range26.pdf, Gan Shu San dan Gunawan Santoso (2002). ―Studi Karakteristik Tabung Udara dan Beban Katub Limbah Terhadap Efisiensi Pompa Hydraulic Ram.‖ Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya. Jafri, M., dan, Limbong, I., S. (2012). Analisa Unjuk Kerja Pompa Hidram Paralel Dengan Variasi Berat Beban dan Panjang Langkah Katup Limbah,, (open 2012) Made Suarda dan IGK Wirawan (2008). ―Kajian Eksperimental Pengaruh Tabung Udara Pada Head Tekanan Pompa Hydram.‖ Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin, Universitas Udayana, Bali.Mohammed, S., N. (2012). Design and Construction of a Hydraulic Ram Pump,, (opened 2012) Siregar, H.P., (2010). Analisis Perencanaan dan Instalasi Pompa Hydraulic Ram di Desa Jingkang – Tanjung Kerta, Semarang, kalah/instalasi%20Pompa%20Hydraulic%20Ram.pdf, (opened 2012) Taye, T., (1998). Hydraulic Ram Pump, Ram1.htm#Ref1 Cahyanta, Y., dan Indrawan (1996). ―Studi Terhadap Prestasi Pompa Hydraulic Ram Dengan Variasi Beban Katup Limbah‖. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin, Cakram.en_US
dc.description.abstractHid ram pumps is a very specific device to lift water. The uniquess of this device is indicated by the hid ram energy‘s used to lift is energy of water that will pumped. Therefore, hid ram pumps is very environmentally friendly and save energy. Water energy used of hid ram pumps is potential energy of water from a elevation drove through drive pipe. This paper aim to understanding hid ram pumps characteristic as lifting the water as drive pipe variation length. In the research, the observation did with four drive pipe variation length, namely 1,0 m, 1,5 m, 2,0 m, and 2,5m. High water fall and drive pipe diameter is 1,5 m and 2 inch, respectively. This device is executed in Civil Engineering Laboratory of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Variables that appear is described in the gRAPh of the relationship between the variables. The result indicate that the longer of drive pipe will generate the pump debit (Q) that bigger and flow ratio (Q/(Q+QL)) is bigger, too. Increasing ratio of high falls by delivery high (h/H) indicate that decreasing of the pumps effectiveness and flow ratio is increase of drive pipe length variations.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.titleLength of Drive Pipe To Hid Ram Pump Characteristicen_US
dc.title.alternativePanjang Drive Pipe Terhadap Karakteristik Pompa Hidramen_US

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