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dc.contributor.authorM. Thoyibi
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dc.description.abstractThis study aims at describing the profile and the changing image of the female Chinese descendants in literature.The study employs the qualitative method. The objects of the study include three novels written by the Chinese authors, namely Lo Fen Koei by Gouw Peng Liang, Oey Se by Thio Tjin Boen, and Nonton Capgome by Kwee Tek Hoay. The theoretical approach employed is the sociology of literature that presupposes the close relationship between literature the social realities underlying the creation of the work. The data are collected by means of library research and note-taking technique and are analyzed by means of descriptive and hermeneutic techniques. The outcome of the study shows the following conclusions: (1) In addition to reflecting the social realities, the authors also respond and criticize the social realities underlying the creation through the structural elements of the works; (2) the three novels that were written in two different periods indicates the dynamics in the Chinese community, particulalrly the dialectics between the Chinese traditional values and the Western modern ones; and (3) the three novels also demonstrate the struggle for gender justice resulting in the changing image of the female Chinese descendants from being subordinate to relatively equal to male.en_US
dc.subjectperempuan Cina peranakanen_US
dc.subjectkesusastraan melayu Tionghoaen_US
dc.subjectkajian sosiologisen_US
dc.subjectperspektif jenderen_US

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