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dc.description.abstractThe mobile technology advancement has been growth rapidly. Every persons use mobile phone to support their daily activities. This condition make banks have to change their traditional methods of customer service to adoption of information technology. Customers today require more personalized services at any time and any place. Mobile banking is one of advanced information technologies that can employ to achieve a high level of customer services and emerging technology that permits conduct of banking transaction through mobile phone. For bank’s customers, this application will support their banking transaction if they think it has a usefulness and easy to use. The important one is customer trust to mobile banking application. This research purposes to test the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and trust to use of mobile banking. A survey was conducted to customers of Bank Mandiri Boyolali, esspecially mobile banking application user. Collected data analized with multiple regression analysis. The results of this research show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and trust tend to have effect on use of mobile banking.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectperceived usefulnessen_US
dc.subjectperceived ease of useen_US
dc.subjectuse of mobile bankingen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Persepsi Kebermanfaatan, Persepsi Kemudahan dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Penggunaan Mobile Bankingen_US

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