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dc.description.abstractThe main problem of this research is how government able to support both in capital and skill and empower potential toward the poor that have not become PKL. The purpose of this study is to see the profile of populations’ poverty and effort of poverty alleviation by economical empowerment of society trough PKL (foot stall). Method used in this researcher, the population is the whole PKL (Food Stall) in subdistrict of Grogol, Dati II Sukoharjo regency. Sampling technique used is MultiStage technique. From 14 villages in subdistrict of Grogol, it was taken 1 village (Langenharjo Village) with the greatest number of PKL used as analysis unit. Selection of subdistrict is dominated by poor citizens as analysis unit, while the selection of village is dominated by the greatest number of PKL that exist. Research findings in this research are, before they were become PKL, 40% of them were working as farmer and Hodge with simple living (semi permanent house, second hand two-wheeled vehicle and some of them do not have it, and only able to educate their children until junior and senior high school), while the other (60%) were unemployed or as erratic worker (uncertain) with living in category of poor. After they become PKL (food stall), their lives become prosperous (owning proper home stay, lot of them already have their own vehicle even car, fixed income, and able to educate their children until university). The group of PKL formation is in form of independent food stall. Their place to sale is in sidewalk during afternoon until midnight, by placing tents. The existence of Foodstall/Wedangan/Hik almost in every night is crowded by visitors, whether by car of motor circle, just like in: Wedangan Pak Item, Pak Gendut, Nasi Liwet Yu Sani, Ayam Bakar Mantili, and many other.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjecteconomical empowermenten_US
dc.subjectPKL = food stallen_US
dc.titleUpaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan dengan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat (Study: Pkl Warung Makan) di Kec. Grogol, Kabupaten Sukoharjoen_US

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