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dc.contributor.authorHunun Parsinahingsih, Sri
dc.identifier.citationAnonim (2002). Kewaspadaan Universal di RSUD Dr Moewardi Surakarta. Tidak dipubliksikan. Anonim (2004). Data Rekam Medik Rumah Sakit Dr Moewardi Surakarta. Anonim (2004). Profil Rumah Sakit Dr Moewardi Surakarta. Arikunto. S. (2002) Manajemen Penelitian, Edisi Keenam, PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Azwaf, A. (1996). Pengantar Administrasi Kesehatan (edisi ketiga), Jakarta : Bina Rupa Aksara. Azwar S. (1998). Metode Penelitian, Edisi Pertama, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. DEPKES RI (1994), Sinopsis Dasar-Dasar Keperawatan, Jakarta. DEPKES RI (2003), Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kewaspadaan Kewaspadaan Universal di Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jakarta. Direktoral Jendral Pemberantasan Penyakit Menular dan Penyehatan Lingkungan. Husin (1993). Jenjang Pendidikan Keperawatan, Jakarta, EGC. Janice Rider Ellis, Elizabeth Ann Nowlis, Patricia M. Bentz (1999), Modules for Basic Nursing Skills, J. B Lippincot.Co. Kozier, B. Erb, G (1995). Fundamental of Nursing, Concepts and Procedures. Laporan Hasil Penelitian dan Surveilanspengendalian Infeksi Nosokomial di RSUD Dr Moewardi Surakarta Periode Agustus – November 2004. Naniek Octania (2005). Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Perawat Tentang Universal Precaution Dengan Tindakan Perawat Dalam Pelaksanaan Universal Precaution di RSU Islam Kustati Surakarta. Purwanto H. (1995). Pengantar Statistik Keperawatan. Edisi Pertama, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta. Polit, Df and Hungler, BP (1999), Nursing Research : Principles and Methodes, Sixth Edition, J. B Lippincot.Co. Potter, P.A. dan Perry, A.G (1995). Fundamental of Nursing, Concepts. Process and Practice, St. Louis, Missouri. Smeltzer,S.C and Bare BG (2002). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medical Bedah; Alih Bahasa Agung W. Edisi 8, Volume I, Jakarta, EGC Sugiyono (2004), Metode Penelitian Administrasi. Tietjen, B.M (2004). Panduan Pencegahan Infeksi Untuk Fasilitas Pelayanan kesehatan dengan Sumber Daya Terbatas. Penerbit yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirodiharjo Bekerjasama dengan JNPKKR/KOGI dan JHPIEGO (Program MNH & STARH). Jakarta. Yudiastuti (2004). Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Penerapan Tehnik Aseptik Dalam Perawatan Luka Post Operasi Di Ruang Bedah RSUD. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Tahun 2004en_US
dc.description.abstractUniversal care research RSUD DR. Moewardi Surakarta has a perfect background that one of serve nurse parameter with a good quality in hospital was with infection Nosokomial control. Injection moment has a tight relationship with professional nurse practice with a universal care.This research purposes was to know about the act of hand washing to prevent the cross infection and to know about appliance protect uses, to know about sharp appliance and needle use, to know about dirty waste and sanitation. This is a descriptive research with 55 nurses, research method using observation which is done with 5 observers as room’s leader.The result of this research, 55 respondent will have 16,4% nurse education was SPK graduating, 74,5% AKPER Grad from nurse education, 9,1% nurse education was a nurse Master Grad, as a universal act precations is got 15% nurse doing hand wash imperfectly, 80% nurse doing hand wash perfectly and 5% nurse doesn’t doing hand wash. 20% nurse use a imperfect protection appliance, 71% nurse use a perfect protection appliance and 9% nurse doesn’t use a perfect protection appliance. 15% nurse managing the imperfect second hands health appliance, 79% nurse managing the second hands health appliance perfectly and 6% nurse doesn’t managing the second hands health appliance. 18% nurse managing the imperfect needle or sharp appliance, 72% nurse managing needle or sharp appliance perfectly and 10% nurse doesn’t managing needle or sharp appliance. 13% nurse managing the dirty waste or room sanitation imperfectly, 80% nurse managing dirty waste or room sanitation perfectly and 7% nurse doesn’t managing dirty waste or room sanitation. The conclusion there is still a nurse who is done a universal care imperfectly either doesn’t doing. It needs socialization about a hand book (SOP) universal care and the relaxation about universal care.en_US
dc.subjectUniversal Careen_US

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