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dc.contributor.authorPraswati, Aflit Nuryulia
dc.identifier.citationAlma, B. 2007. Kewirausahaan. Bandung: Alfa Beta Bhandari, Narendra C. 2006. Intention For Entrepreneurship Among Students In India. Journal Entrepreneurship 15(2), pp: 169-171 Daniele Badulescu and Mariana Vancen. 2013. Entrereneur Future Carrer For Post-graduate Business Students: A Realistic Opinien. European Conference On Innovation And Entrepreneurship. September. Vol.2 Page 827830 Dr. Emrah Talas, Ali Kemal Celik, Ibrahim Orkun Oral. The Influence of demographic Faktors On Entrepreneurial Intention Among Under Graduate Students As Career Choice The case of a Turkish University. American International Journal of Contemporary Research. Delang Ma. 2011. The Revelation Of Entrepreneurial Spirits On The Cultivation Of College Students Enterprise Qualities: A Case Study in WhenZou. Canadian Center Of Science And Education. Vol. 1 No. 2 Desember. ISSN 1925.4741E ISSN 1925-475X Fatrika et al. Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Wirausaha Mahasiswa Dengan Teknik SEM. Jurnal Matematika UNAND Vol. 1 No. 2 Hal. 5-12. ISSN 2303.2910 Ferdinand, Augusty Tae. 2006. Structural Equation Model Dalam Penelitian Manajemen. Badan Penerbit UNDIP Semarang Hisrich D Robert, Michael P Peters dan Dean A Sheperd. 2008. Kewirausahaan. Terjemahan Chriswan Sungkono dan Diana Angelica. Jakarta. Salemba Empat Littunen. 2000. Entrepreneurship and Characteristics of The Entrepreneurial Personality. Internatinal Journal Of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. Vo. 6. Pp 295-310 Moiz Mohammad, MP. Aparna. 2011. Entrepreneurial Intentions of MBA Students, A Study in Hyderabad. Entrepreneurial Practise Review. Volume I. Issue 4 Winter. Rano Aditya Putra. 2012. Faktor-Faktor Penentu Minat Manajemen Untuk Berwirausaha. Jurnal Manajemen. Volume 01. Nomor 01. September 2012 Umar. Husein. 2001. Metode Riset Bisnis. Jakarta. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Santoso, Singgih. 2002. Statistik Dengan SPSS. Jakarta. Elex Media Computindo Suryana. 2008. Kewirausahaan: Pedoman Praktis, Kiat dan Proses Menuju Sukses. Jakarta: Salemba Empaten_US
dc.description.abstractThis study analiyzes the faktors that influence entrepreneurial interest among university students. Object of this study were students at the faculty of Economic and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The problem of this study refers to the phenomenon of high unemployment, the limited numbers of jobs and the low number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia. entrepreneurial role is to encourage the creation of prosperity, wealth equalization, and employment opportunities that serve engine of economic growth of a country. Purposive method was chosen to obtain the information needed in this study. The number of survey respondents is 125 people and the total of respondents are students of the Faculty of Economis and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This research model has passed the validity test, reliability test, and classical assumption. To compute the influence between variabels, this study uses multiple regression analysis. Processing data using SPSS 17. The results of this study indicate that the desire to be the boss, leadership, financial, environmental can affect entrepreneurial interest among university students.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectthe desire to be the bossen_US
dc.subjectentrepreneurial interest.en_US
dc.titleAnalisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Wirausaha di Kalangan Mahasiswa Studi Kasus: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US

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