Rasio Keuangan Sebagai Pengukur Efisiensi Kinerja Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Syari’ah di Surakarta
Sharia Banking has to pay attention about efficiency in its performance so that it has the competitive advantage, developing and has more optimum plays role in national development. This research aims to know whether Sharia People Finance Banks in Surakarta have efficiency of the performances. With quaterly finance reports samples of December 2010 until June 2013, the descriptive results in general way refer to Sharia People Finance Banks do not have good performances of assets efficiency, earning profit and capital adequacy however have a good performance of liquidity. It may caused by the high operational cost, the low assurance on financing and the low operational income,as well as the liquidity indicate a good performance that means the assurance in fulfilling short term debt has still efficient.