Strategi Peningkatan Kemampuan Adopsi Teknologi Branchless Banking Untuk Memperluas Inklusi Keuangan di Masyarakat Pedesaan
This research is aimed to understand the perception of rural people toward branchless
banking and to explore factors that should be considered to develop a successful
branchless banking that are suitable for rural area in Indonesian context. Five variables,
they are
relative advantage, compatability, complexity, trialability, and observability were
used to measure perception of rural people toward branchless banking. Questionnaires
were distributed to people in Kuncen village. We find that Kuncen village people have
good perception toward branchless banking; relative advantage and
factors that should be considered in developing branchless banking, suitable for people in
rural area. Those two factors contributes to the willingness of rural people to adopt new
technology and factors such as compatability, trialability, and observability are the
hindrances for branchless banking adoption.