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dc.contributor.authorTri Cahya, Bayu
dc.contributor.authorLatif, Moh Abdul
dc.identifier.citationAbdillah. 2013.“Manusia dan Kebahagiaan “, Jurnal HMJ Aqidah dan Filsafat UIN SGD Bandung, Vol. I No. 1, April 2013: hlm 56-57. Alma, Buchari. 2006. “Kewirausahaan untuk Mahasiswa Umum”. Bandung: Alfabeta. Astuti, Dewi. 2005. “Kajian Bisnis Franchise Makanan di Indonesia”, Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, Vol. 7, No. 1 Maret 2005. Chapra, M. Umar. 2000. “Islam dan Tantangan Ekonomi”. Jakarta: Gema Insani. Darmawi, Herman. 2006. “Manajemen Resiko”, Ed.1, Cetakan 10. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Djohan, Warman. 2000. “Kredit Bank Altertnatif Pembiayaan dan Pengajuannya”. Jakarta: Widya Offset. Khoiri, Hoyyima. 2010 “Cepat Kaya Dengan Teknik Franchise (Waralaba) Yang Cerdas dan Efektif”, Cetakan pertama.Yogyakarta: Buku Biru. Muhammmad. 2005. “Manajemen Dana Bank Syariah”, Yogyakarta: UPP AMP YKPN. Rivai, M. Muchtar. 2012. “Pengaturan Waralaba Di Indonesia Perspektif Hukum Bisnis”, Jurnal Liquidity, Vol. 1, No.2, Juli-Desember 2012: hlm.159-166. Saosa, Pietra, RFA. 2006. “Mefranchiskan Usaha Anda Panduan Praktis dan Komprehensif Mengambangkan Usaha dengan sistem Franchis”. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo. Utama, Bey Sapta. 2012. “Aspek Manajemen Resiko dalam pengembangan Wakaf dalam 196 Manajemen Resiko InvestasiWakaf Uang”, Jurnal ISLAMICA, Vol 6, No 2, Maret 2012. Yusanto, Muhammad Ismail dan Muhammad Karebet Widjajakusuma. 2002. “ Menggagas Bisnis Islami”. Jakarta: Gema Insani Press. Yusuf, Agang. 2013. “Teori Resiko IASLM”, , Diunduh tanggal 6 Mei 2013., Zuchairiny, Andi. 2008. “Human Relation Dalam Perspektif Islam”, Jurnal Hunafa, Vol. 5, No.2, Agustus 2008: hlm 194.en_US
dc.description.abstractBusiness franchise is a method of distributing goods and services to the consumer society, which is sold to other interested parties. Every business certainly contains a risk as well as the franchise business, franchisee in risk management using an appropriate concept of Islam which is to get Falah, hayat tayyibah, and brotherhood, socio-economic justice, and spiritual needs in the management of property. The study was conducted by library research and observation based on previous studies and currently applied legal frameworks. The results showed that the risk management applied by the franchisee Kuch2Hotahu namely: is in conformity with the purpose – the purpose of law in the management of his property that they do not leave the Islamic concept of falah, khayatan tayyibah, and brotherhood. Furthermore, the theory associated IASLM that man was created by God and to worship God. The form of worship here seen from the risk management is done as the above, namely: already happy customers, creating a good life, and build a brotherhood. At once a form of gratitude for the blessings given by God. and risk is the risk of a business nature, competition risk and geographic risk.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectrisk managementen_US
dc.titleManajemen Resiko Bisnis Franchise Kuch2hotahu dalam Perspektif Syariah di Kabupaten Kudusen_US

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