Pengaruh Reputasi dan Ukuran Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Nirlaba di Indonesia
The percentage of non-profit organization revenue allocation to program expense beside
administratif expense is an indicator of organizational performance. This research aims
to test the organizational characteristik of non-profit organization on its performance.
The samples consist of 9 non-profit organizations in Indonesia based on its financial
statement from 2007 to 2010. Testing was conducted through a simple regression
analysis and a regression intervening with the size of the organization as the intervening
variable. The results shows that the organization’s reputation has significant and positive
effect toward the size of the organization but negative effect towards the performance of
organizations. The size of organization (total revenue and total assets) have significant
and negative effect on the performance of non-profit organizations. The total revenues
and total assets mediate perfectly the relationship between organization’s age and the
performance of non-profit organization.