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dc.contributor.authorSri Purwanti, Okti
dc.contributor.authorMaliya, Arina
dc.identifier.citationHarsono. (1996). Buku Ajar Neurologi Klinis. Penerbit Gadjah Mada Press. Yogyakarta. . Kapita Selekta neurologi. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. Hoeman, P. (1996). Rehabilitation Nursing: Process and Application. Second Edition. Mosby Year Book, Inc, St. Louis, USA. Ibrahim , A. S. (2001). Stroke. Medika (Feb). vol XVIII no 2: 80-82 Kozier. (1995). Fundamental of Nursing. 5th ed. Addison Wisley Kandel, E. R. Schwartz, J. H. Jessel, T. M. (1995). Essential of Neural Science and Behavior dalam An Instruction to Movement. Prentice Hall International Inc Long, B.C. (1996). Essential of Medical Surgical Nursing: A Nursing Process Approach. Edisi 2. Tim Penerjemah R. Karnaen, dkk. Bandung Mansjoer, A, dkk. (2000). Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Edisi 3. Jilid 2. Penerbit Media Aesculapius Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta. Siswono. Penderita Stroke harus segera ditangani. www.hyperlink”Maito: Siswono@gizi net. 17 April 2003 Unit Stroke RSUP Dr. Kariadi. Setahun Tangani Stroke 658 Pasien. 25 April 2003 WHO. (2003) Fakta-fakta tentang Penyakit Jantung dan Stroke. 17 April 2007. Yastroki, 2007, Angka kejadian stroke meningkat tajam, 22 April 2007en_US
dc.description.abstractStroke can be definition as neurology deficit which has sudden commencement and continue for as conclusion of brain vascular disease. Stroke cause brain cells died and appearance acute condition, known as one of medical problem which threaten to life. Problems that appear on stroke client such as hypertension on brain cavity, respiratory system and cardiovascular obstruction, language malfunction, tendon and articulation malfunction which cause weakness or lame. Stroke client need good handle to prevent physical and mental abnormality on productive or elderly age which cause somebody become unproductive even that maybe become dependent on somebody else and burden to their family, for that post stroke client need beginning rehabilitation such as earlier mobilization. By doing mobilization as soon as possible, then can prevent complication such as bladder infection, pneumonia etcetera, therefore earlier mobilization accomplishment very important and must be done repeatedly and continued, often appear boredom and unwillingness client to continue practiceen_US
dc.subjectpost stroke clienten_US
dc.subjectearlier mobilizationen_US

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