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dc.contributor.authorSahid, Muh. Nur
dc.description.abstractAlong with the rapid advancement of technology and the rapid development of construction entre-preneurs in Indonesia will affect the sharpness of the competitive world of construction, so that the construction of the service in the demand for professionals in carrying out their activities. The pro-blems that often arise in the construction of the service is sharp competition construction services entrepreneur who decline in the can or decline in income from a construction project, it is the impact of rising overhead costs and social costs. With the issue of construction businesses should be careful in carrying out construction activities on a contract , and therefore to achieve the expected results in construction of the service must be good - smart observe field conditions, how to create your field organizational structure, how and when to control the time, quality, costs and procentrol, costs , time and procedure of the construction expected benefits and can anticipate an increased risk occurred in the implementation of the project.en_US
dc.subjectconstruction servicesen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Cost Control Project Construction in Employers Constructionen_US

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