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dc.contributor.authorJinan, Mutohharun
dc.identifier.citationAlfian, Muhammadiyah: The Political Behaviour of Muslim Modernist Organization Under Dutch Collonialism. Yogyakarta: UGM Press, 1989. Arbanginah, Miftakhatul. Respon Muhammadiyah Terhadap Kristenisasi Di Kecamatan Nanggulan Kabupaten Kulon Progo 1956-1970. Thesis, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2010. Kruger, Theodor Muller. Sejarah gereja di Indonesia Jakarta: Badan Penerbitan Kristen, 1969. Maarif, Ahmad Syafii. Islam dalam Bingkai Keindonesiaan dan Kemanusiaan: Sebuah Refleksi Sejarah. Bandung: Mizan, 2009. Qodir, Zuly Qodir. Muhammadiyah Studies: Reorientasi Gerakan dan Pemikiran Memasuki Abad Kedua . Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2010. Rais, Amien, dkk., 1 Abad Muhammadiyah Istiqomah Membendung Kristenisasi dan Liberalisasi. Yogyakarta: Suara Muhammadiyah, 2010. Shihab, Alwi. Membendung Arus; Respon Muhammadiyah terhadap Penetrasi Misi Kristen di Indonesia . Bandung: Mizan, 1999. Tanfidh Keputusan Muktamatar Muhammadiyah 2010. Yogyakarta: PP Muhammadiyah, 2010. Turner, Victor. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. New York: Cornel University Press, 1969. http://muhammadiyahstudies. http://www.seputar-Indonesia. com/edisicetak/index2.php?option= com_content&t ask=view&id=383 284&pop=1&page=0. Diakses 7/2/2014)en_US
dc.description.abstractMuhammadiyah is known as responsive movement to respond the issues of nationality. This paper discusses the response of Muhammadiyah to the question of nationality in particular problem of religious diversity and religious beliefs. On the one hand, it appears to show the attitude of religious purists. moreover it also suggests practical actions in the social field and in the spirit of national renewal. This is why the movement which is founded by Ahmad Dahlan in the history of its role toward nation has always been in the position of liminality, it is between the dual roles of ethics to uphold the spiritual and social services in the frame of national harmony.en_US
dc.subjectthe Ahmadiyyahen_US
dc.titleLiminalitas Muhammadiyah dalam Berbangsaen_US

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