Karakter Fisik Pohon Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadapiklim Mikro (Studi Kasus di Hutan Kota dan RTH Kota Semarang)
Air temperature in cities are increasing which can cause reduce the human comfort and productivity.
Urban forest can make the environment comfortable. The objectiveof the researc hwere: (1). To Determine
the effects of urban forest on air temperature and relative humidity, (2). To analyze the effects of physical
characters of trees ont he micro-climate amelioration and(3). To Determine species of trees which are very
effective for micro-climate amelioration.The results of the research revealed that the average of daily air
temperature in the urban forest was 30.2
C with arelative humidityof 74.0%, while the daily air
temperature around the urban forest was 31.8
Karakter Fisik Pohon ... (Dahlan E)
C with relative humidityof 71.1%. Tree composisitin of
all study sites consist of192trees, 29 speciesand 13families. The TinjomoyoForest Tourism has the highest
density of trees(406trees/ha), while the lowest in the Parks Minister Supeno (316trees/ha). Value
of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of trees based on calculation of tall of trees, diameter of canopies,
total leaves area and canopy forms noticed that very effective trees for micro-climate amelioration were:
Angsana(Pterocarpus indicus), beringin(Ficus benjamina), flamboyan(Delonix regia) ,
ketapang(Terminalia catappa), mahoni (Swietenia mahogany), andtrembesi (Albizia saman).