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dc.contributor.authorPriyana, Yuli
dc.contributor.authorAnna, Alif Noor
dc.contributor.authorSigit, Agus Anggoro
dc.identifier.citationAnna, Alif Noor. 2010. Analisis Karakteristik Parameter Hidrologi Akibat Alih Fungsi Lahan di Daerah Sukoharjo Melalui Citra Landsat Tahun 1997 dengan Tahun 2002, Jurnal Geografi UMS: Forum Geografi, volume 14, Nomor 1, Juli 2010. Surakarta: Fakultas Geografi UMS. Aronoff, S., 1989. Geographic Information Systems: A Management Perspective, WDL Publications: Ottawa. Arsyad, Sitanala. 1989. Konservasi Tanah dan Air. Bogor: IPB Press. Balai Besar Sungai Bengawan Solo. Data Ketinggian Muka Air Sungai. Surakarta: dikases pada alamat http:// pada tanggal 23 Maret 2014. El-Sheimy, N. 1999. Digital Terrain Model. Department of Geomatics Engineering. The University of Calgary Fleiss JL, Levin; B, Paik MC. 2003. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions, 3red ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Gunawan, T. 2007. Pendekatan Ekosistem Bentang Lahan Sebagai Dasar Pembangunan Wilayah Berbasis Lingkungan Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Makalah. Fakultas Geografi UGM. Yogyakarta. Ilwis user’s guide. 2001. Ilwis 3.0 Academic users guide. ITC: The Netherlands. Prahasta, E. 2008. Model Permukaan Dijital. Pengolahan Data DTM (Digital Terrain Model) & DEM (Digital Elevation Model) Dengan Perangkat Lunak: Surfer, Global Mapper dan Quickgrid. Penerbit Informatika Bandung. 537 halaman. Priyana, Yuli. 2008. Pengantar Meteorologi dan Klimatologi. Diktat Kuliah. Surakarta: Fakultas Geografi: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Purwanto, T. 2002. Pengembangan Perhitungan Paralaks Dengan Digitizer, PC ArcInfo, dan TIN PC ArcInfo Untuk Pembentukan Model Medan Digital. Tesis, Penginderaan Jauh Program Pascasasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada. Sanyal, Joy, dan LU, XX. 2004. Application of Remote Sensing in Flood Management with Special Reference to Monsoon Asia: A Review. International Journal of Natural Hazards 33: 283–301. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Yulianto, Fajar., Marfai, Muh Aris., Parwati, dan Suwarsono. 2009. Model Simulasi Luapan Banjir Sungai Ciliwung di Wilayah Kampung Melayu-Bukit Duri Jakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal Penginderaan Jauh Vol. 6, 2009:43-50. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada. Yusri., Karim, Othman A., Maulud, Khairul Nizam Abdul., Toriman, Mohd Ekhwan., dan Kamarudin, Mohd Amri. 2009. GIS Ap plication and Flood Simulation for Siak River, Pekanbaru using XP-SWMM. JURNAL ILMIAH SEMESTA TEKNIKA Vol. 12, No. 2, 157-166. Riau: STT-US Teluk Kuantan Riau Indonesia.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to develop flood inundation based on several flood level. The results of this study are: (a) land use in the study area is divided into (1) urban area (the Business Area) which includes regional administrative center, shopping area, and office area, (2) residential areas (single home region, the region multi- unit house (residence), settlement areas and apartments), (3) industrial estate (industrial estates are less dense and dense industrial area), (4) the surface area covered with vegetation (forest - thicket, meadow area, and the area of land productive rice fields and fields), (5) the area of open land and vacant land that is intended (the city park , cemetery and park area, and (6) transportation area and the pavement surface area (area train station and bus terminal region), (b) the preparation of spatial database in this study in the form of data or data vector altitude of Digital Elevation Model (DEM). District of Jebres there are 56 points of elevation and District of Pasar Kliwon there are 48 points of elevation. Elevation of the study area ranged from 88,9 mpdal up to 127.65 mdpal and (c) the higher the flood inundation scenarios impact on land use in the study area are also getting bigger. Most obvious impact under scenario 2 m area of 296 601 m , while the smallest impact under scenario 1 m with an area of 77 693 m 2 2 impact. Extensive simulation results based on the total impact amounts to 544 756 m .en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectflood simulation modelen_US
dc.subjectiterative spatial modelen_US
dc.titleModel Simulasi Luapan Banjir Sungai Bengawan Solo untuk Optimalisasi Kegiatan Tanggap Darurat Bencana Banjiren_US

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