Identification Of River Basins Zone In Indonesia On Application Of Utm Map Projection System
Indonesia using UTM map projection system. In UTM map projection system, projection plane that used is cylindrical
plane. The surface of the earthdivided into 60 zones and width of each zone is 6
longitudes, that extend from 84
north latitude to 80
south latitude. Furthermore, Indonesia now has 131 river basins. If river basins area located in
some zones, then the planimetrics coordinate have different system. Result of identification, the number of river basins
in Indonesia which located in only one UTM zone is 87, located in one zone in the north and in the south is 5, located
in two zones with whole areas in the north is 9, located in two zones with whole areas in the south is 24, located in two
zones with some parts of areas in the north and the other in the south is 5, and located in three zones is 1.