River Basin Management For Enhancing The Regional Carrying Capacity In Water Resources
The world’s population is very high, and then the world population has now reached more than 7 billion people. High
number of people cause heavy burden to the regional carrying capacity, so it can lead to vulnerability that threaten
water supply, food security, etc. Susceptibility to water security poses many problems such as lack of water,
pollution, salinity, siltation, the increasing threat of drought and floods. To increase the regional carrying capacity on
water resources it is required “the good governance” in water resources management. Accordance with law 7/2004,
water resources in Indonesia based on River Basin authority, not on Administration authority. Stepped up this law,
Government of Indonesia established several river basin organizations for managed 133 river basin in Indonesia.
Broadly speaking there are three models of river basin management, namely: the council, the public and corporate
River Basin Organization (RBO), each of which has some strengths and weaknesses. This paper makes a distinction
between three models consist of the characteristic of each model and its strengths and weaknesses in order to be used
as a reference in the selection of a suitable model to apply in certain area.