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dc.contributor.authorTunas, I Gede
dc.contributor.authorMaadji, Rizaldi
dc.contributor.authorRusdin, Andi
dc.identifier.citationAnonim, 2011, LaporanPerencanaan Teknis Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Dongin di Kabupaten Banggai, Dinas PU Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Irianto, G. 2003. Banjir dan Kekeringan. Universal Pustaka Media, Bogor. Istiarto. 1994. Geometri dan Kapasitas Tampang Sungai. BPLT Perum KA, Yogyakarta Maryono, A. .2002. Eko-Hidraulik Pembangunan Sungai. Magister Sistem Teknik-UGM, Yogyakarta. Maryono, A. 2005. Menangani Banjir, Kekeringan dan Lingkungan. GadjahMadaUniversity Press, Yogyakarta. Mudjiatko. 2000. Pengaruh Meander Sungai Terhadap Perubahan Konfigurasi Dasar dan Seleksi Butiran Sedimen, Tesis S2 UGM, Yogyakarta. Sri Harto Br. 2000. Hidrologi : Teori, Masalah dan Penyelesaian, Nafiri Offset, Yogyakarta. Tunas, G. 2006. Pengaruh Perubahan Penampang Sungai Terhadap Karakteristik Aliran Banjir, Jurnal Rekayasa UNRAM Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. (95-103) Tunas, G., Tanga, A., dan Lesmana, S.B. 2008 Penyusunan dan Pengembangan Model Transformasi Hujan-Aliran Pada DAS-DAS di Sulawesi Tengah Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis. Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing DP2M DIKTI, Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Tadulako Palu USACE (2002), HEC-RASRiver Analysis System Hydraulic Reference Manual, USACE-HEC, DavisC.A., Washingtonen_US
dc.description.abstractShort-cut is one offlood control technique in meandering river especially in downstream reach. In some cases, this technique is still used although in eco-hydraulic concept, it is less effective and on the contrary, it causes bigger flood on downstream river. This research is to know the effect of short-cut on flood characteristic by using DonginRiver in Banggai Regency as model.This research is conducted with hydrology analysis to the rainfall and watershed data to set flood hydrograph as upstream boundary condition. The simulation deals with flood routing by using HEC-RAS hydrodynamic models to know the hydrograph, water surface, velocity and energy line along the river reach. To obtain the optimal parameter value, formerly, HEC-RAS must be calibrated by adjusting simulated water surface with observed water surface in a cross section.The result of simulation using annual discharge (Q =123.54 m3/s) showed that the short-cut affect the flood characteristic and water surface profile. In downstream, the short-cut cause the peak time of hydrograph (tp) shorter (1 hour) and increase the velocity (insignificant) and water surface (5.4 %). In upstream, the short-cut decrease water surface (10.14 %), increase the velocity (31.80 %) and energy line.Therefore, short cut is recommended to control the flood.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectshort cuten_US
dc.subjectflood characteristicsen_US
dc.titleHydraulic Effect Analysis Of Channel Short-Cut In Meandering Riveren_US

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